Subcontractors and suppliers are pre-selected based on the quality, environmental stance, price, service deadlines and according to market references collected by management and project managers. Their names are pooled on a subcontractor list. Proposals for analysis and adjudication decision will be required if need be.
A2P has signed an agreement with all its suppliers outlining the conditions in which all projects must be developed.
An annual evaluation of subcontractors and suppliers is conducted through a Non-Conformities and Complaints analysis concerning them. They are deemed “Not Approved” if they have more than 5 failures per year.
Regardless of the evaluation, any subcontractor or supplier not providing a satisfactory service is immediately contacted and brought to attention to resolve the shortcomings.
It should be noted that whenever subcontracted activity involves the use of measuring and monitoring equipment, subcontractors are obligated to present the calibration certificates as well as the devices’ acceptance criteria.