November, 2022
A2P had the opportunity to participate in “Lessons from Professor João Appleton” as part of the technical sessions of the ReSist Program, organized by the Lisbon City Council to promote seismic resilience in buildings. The event took place today at the headquarters of the Engineers professional association, where several design teams took part, represented by Vasco Appleton, Rui Pombo, Duarte Ramos, Ana Patrícia Santos, Rui Baptista Delgado, with a special intervention from Eduardo Costa and under the coordinations of João Appleton.
Several seismic retrofit challenges and solutions adopted in different rehabilitation projects, spread across the city of Lisbon, were presented, including the Parliament Sessions Room, Banco de Portugal Headquarters, Cais Sul e Sueste, the Pombaline building of Pensão Amor, the former Napolitana factory and a building on Av. Duque de Loulé.