Santa Cruz Parish Cultural Center in Madeira

On 20 September, Cultural Center of Santa Cruz was inaugurated by the President of Madeira,s Regional Government. It will fill a major gap in culture that the city was having.

The new infrastructure includes the rectory with three bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, office, laundry, toilets and garage. Also part of it is the auditorium for 150 people, dressing room, storage room and bar,  plus four breakout rooms to teach catechesis. These spaces were constructed to be well integrated with the architecture of the church, dating from the fifteenth century.

Online edition of Jornal da Madeira

19 of September 2006

Strengthening Buildings Foundations: Needs and Solutions

The first phase of foudation strengthning process is to analyze the possibility of not doing this reinforcement once the best way to approach the problem is, if possible, avoid reinforcing. The Mill Marés in Montijo, the theater São Luiz, the theater Mário Viegas and the Pombal Palace are different examples being analyzed and representing different motivations for carrying out building foundations.

Eng. João Appleton

in Pedra & Cal, nº 31, Jul / Set  2006