A2P Consult Estudos e Projectos, Lda

A2P Consult Estudos e Projectos, Lda is a company specialized in structural engineering, in the most general sense of this designation, since it has experience and competence in the fields of concrete, steel, wood and masonry structures. The increase in activity in bridges and public works projects and in the areas of rehabilitation of buildings, namely old buildings and monuments, is a hallmark of A2P Consult in the national market for studies and engineering projects. He is also active in the areas of consulting and technical advice, appraisals, inspections and project review, project coordination and supervision of projects and monitoring of research projects.

A2P Consult began its activity in 1990, having as partners the Civil Engineers Júlio António da Silva Appleton and João Augusto da Silva Appleton who currently have a professional experience of over 45 years. Currently, Vasco Appleton and António Costa (managing partners) and Nuno Travassos and Pedro Ribeiro have been members since 2008.

The company, through academic training (master's and doctoral), through continuous training and professional experience, has employees who master specific aspects of the structures, namely pre-stressed concrete structures, steel structures, dynamics and seismic engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction regulations in buildings. A2P Consult has regular associations with other study and project offices, forming multidisciplinary teams with a constitution adequate to the specialization required for each type of project or study and its complexity. Internationally, A2P Consult maintains partnerships with project companies in other countries, notably the realization of bridge projects in Brazil for consortia led by Portuguese companies and consultancies in Morocco.

A2P Consult has the necessary resources to carry out its activity, in particular with regard to computer equipment and up-to-date software. The company also has the capacity to carry out studies and projects in the English and French languages. The main objective of A2P Consult is to satisfy the requirements and expectations of its clients, having, for this, a set of procedures that guide their activity in order to guarantee the fulfillment of the deadlines and the quality of the services provided.

The volume of the provision of services is currently approximately € 2,000,000.

A2P Consult has Civil Liability insurance with a coverage of € 1,000,000.


The Management Policy of A2P Consult - Studies and Projects is governed by the following principles:

• Ensure the satisfaction of its clients, through the fulfillment of the requirements of the services as well as the norms and legal requirements;

• To maintain the relationships it maintains with its suppliers through a partnership logic, considering them an integral part of the Management System and maintaining an evaluation and qualification of the services provided;

• Involve all employees in the Management System, being attentive to their needs;

• Systematically evaluate the results of the implementation of its Management System, keeping all activities functioning according to established procedures, continuously improving the effectiveness of the System.

In MG.v02 21/02/2019